Trouver l'idée principale d'un paragraphe

• Lorsque tu recherches rapidement l'idée essentielle d'un paragraphe, essaie, à la lecture, de repérer les mots importants, qui t'apportent des informations que tu peux mettre en relation.
• Par exemple : il s'agit d'un sport que l'on pratique à l'intérieur (indoors), d'un sport aquatique (water), pour lequel il faut maillot de bain (swimsuit) et bonnet (cap) : le texte parle donc très vraisemblablement de natation.
Exercice n°1
Essaie de deviner de quel sport parle Jennifer dans chaque paragraphe : sélectionne les mots-clés.
Dear Mum and Dad,
Hi from Malibu. The weather is fantastic, over here.
Sélectionnez la (ou les) bonne(s) réponse(s) dans le texte.
en violet

• Yesterday, we left L.A.for a picnic : it was a bit tiring, the bikes were not very good ones, and it was hard going up the slopes. But, it's still easier than mountain-biking!
• In the afternoon, we saw a race : they were training for New York's marathon. I enjoyed watching so many running people at the same time.
• Tomorrow, we may go and see some other champions… I often try to imitate them, but on the pavement, with all the passers-by, it isn't that easy, even if it 's quite exciting to overtake all the cars blocked in traffic-jams.
• Then, we'll go back to the beach and watch another match : they say the teams are very good. Do you remember last year, when we put the net in the garden and Dave kept throwing the ball into our neighbour's swimming-pool?
Kisses. Jennifer